LEGS 6/22/12
#1 Sprint - 50 meters 6 reps
Your effort level is: Set 1 - 60%, Set 2 - 70%, Set 3 - 80 %
Sets 4, 5, and 6 - 90%
#2 BB Overhead Squat 12-12-12 reps
Take it easy on the overhead squat. If you need to use a broomstick or a
piece of PVC to practice the technique, instead of the barbell, go right ahead.
Good posture, weight in your heels, knees out wide.
#3 BB Deadlift 1-1-1-1 rep
The loads are as follows: Set 1 - 75% of your 1RM, Set 2 - 80% of your 1RM,
Set 3 - 85% of your 1RM, Set 4 - 90% of your 1RM
#4 BB Squat Clean 2-2-2-2 reps
This is a progression. Start with a weight you can easily manage, and then
add weight each set.
#5 Do 1 round of:
30" Box Jump - 1 minute
Run 200 meters and carry stuff
Jump Squat - 20 reps
For the run and carry stuff, put 2 DB's (50 lbs) at the 50 meter line. From
the start (or zero meter line), run to the 50 meter line, grab a DB, and bring it
back to the start. Repeat for the other DB.
#6 BB Squat - 21 reps
Tire Pull (60 lbs in tire) - 25 meters
BB Squat - 15 reps
Tire Pull (60 lbs in tire) - 25 meters
BB Squat - 9 reps
Tire Pull (60 lbs in tire) - 25 meters
#6 is continuous work. No prescribed rest.
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