
Friday, June 1, 2012

CHEST          6/1/12

#1  Do 2 rounds of:

      Stability Ball Pushup - 30 reps (2 hands on bench, one foot on ball)
      Reverse Bear Crawl - 25 meters
      Toes to Bar - 15 reps
      DB Incline Press - 15 reps

      Rest between rounds.

#2  BB Bench Press PAUSE          8-6-4-10 reps

#3  Do 2 rounds of:

      BB Squat Clean - 30 seconds
      REST - 30 seconds
      BB Standing Shoulder Press - 30 seconds
      REST - 30 seconds
      BB Front Squat - 30 seconds
      REST - 30 seconds
      BB Bench Press - 30 seconds

#4  BB Incline Press (1.5 REP)          2-2-2-2 reps

      This is not a progression.  Go as heavy as you can on each set.  



  1. Has this turned into a kids crossfit forum?

  2. I know as a probie I should not say anything, but I have broken a bigger sweat working out on the high school chess team. Agree with Mech's previous comment this has become a joke

  3. I totally agree with you guys. It's such a weak workout I don't even bother doing it.
