
Thursday, March 29, 2012

LEGS          3/30/12

#1   BB Deadlift - 18 reps
#2   BB Squat - 2 reps
#3   BB Thruster - 16 reps
#4   BB Squat Clean - 4 reps
#5   Air Squat - 125 reps
#6   BB Deadlift - 6 reps
#7   BB Squat - 14 reps
#8   BB Thruster - 8 reps
#9   BB Squat Clean - 12 reps
#10 Treadmill - 10 MPH, max incline, go to failure

Ten total sets.  Do one set per exercise.  Rest between sets.


  1. I think there is an error in your blog, it states 125 airsquats and that cant be correct. If you could rectify this before that would be great. Tyson's
    fat that is all

  2. Does it count when you only have to squat 2 inches (TJ).
