LEGS 3/24/12
#1 BB Squat 1-1-1-1-1
I will post the 1 Rep Max for each person in our group.
#2 Deadlift and Burpee race.
For time, do 4 rounds of:
BB Deadlift with 225 lbs - 5 reps
Burpees - 10 reps
Continuous work. I will post the times for our group.
#3 BB Squat Clean 3-3-3
#4 Do 2 rounds of:
Toes to Bar - 15 reps
Run 400 meters
BB Squat - 10 reps
Rest between rounds.
The first number is the 1 RM for BB Squat. The second number is the time
for the deadlift/burpee race.
Rob Tijerina - 315 lbs - 2:08
Carlo Anguiano - 355 lbs - 2:21
Dave Mechem - 280 lbs - 3:39
Scott Johnson - 280 lbs - 3:45
And now, I would like to thank Tyson and Mike from 8C, for making me feel like I
should be sent to a nursing home:
Tyson Poindexter - 415 lbs - 1:47
Mike Heeney - 365 lbs - 1:37
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