#1 Sprint 25 meters - 8 reps
Effort level is: Rep 1 - 60%, Rep 2 - 70%, Rep 3 - 80%, Rep 4 - 90%
Reps 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all at 100%. Your rest is when you are walking back
to the start line.
#2 Do 3 rounds of:
Seated DB Shoulder Press - 20 seconds
REST - 10 seconds
Plate Front Raise - 20 seconds
REST - 10 seconds
DB Lateral Raise - 20 seconds
REST - 10 seconds
DB Reverse Fly - 20 seconds
REST - 10 seconds
#2 is continuous. Don't stop between rounds.
#3 Standing BB Shoulder Press 4-4-4 reps
PAUSE for 2 seconds at the BOTTOM and at the TOP of each rep.
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