CHEST 1/21/13
#1 BB Power Rack Bench Press 10-5 reps
This is two sets. Rest between sets. Make sure the bar comes to a
complete stop on the rack, at the bottom of each rep, before you begin the
next rep. Don't bounce the bar off the rack. Go as heavy as you can.
#2 Jump Squat - 50 reps
#3 BB Bench Press with ISOMETRIC PAUSE 10-5 reps
This is two sets. Rest between sets. Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of each rep,
with the bar about 1" - 3" off your chest.
#4 Double Unders - 50 reps
#5 BB Bench Press Close Grip (1.5 REP) 5-5 reps
This is two sets. Rest between sets.
#6 On the 50 meter course, run 400 meters in less than 1:50
#7 BB Bench Press, do 1 set of:
70% of 1 RM for 6 reps. Immediately decrease weight by 40 lbs and go to failure.
#8 Hand Release Pushup - 50 reps
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