LEGS 1/24/13
#1 BB Back Squat (no pause) 10-8-6 reps
Rest between sets. Go as heavy as you can.
#2 Do 3 rounds of:
BB Overhead Squat (2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep) - 5 reps
Burpee - 15 reps
Double Under - 25 reps
Rest between rounds.
#3 Clean Grip Deadlift 3-3 reps
Rest between sets. 5 seconds on the way up, and 5 seconds on the way down.
Perfect form. Load is 90% of your clean 1RM.
#4 Do 4 rounds of:
Run 100 meters
American Kettlebell Swing - 15 reps
#4 is continuous work.
#5 BB Front Squat (no pause) 3-3-3 reps
Rest between sets. Load for the first set is 90% of your clean 1RM. Increase
weight if you can, for sets 2 and 3.
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