LEGS 1/30/13
As part of your warmup, with an unweighted barbell, do 2 rounds of:
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift - 5 reps
Hang Muscle Snatch - 5 reps
Snatch Grip Push Press - 5 reps
Overhead Squat - 5 reps
Front Squat (change to a clean grip) - 5 reps
Hip Clean - 5 reps
Rest for roughly one minute between rounds.
#1 In 10 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
BB Squat Clean and Jerk - 1 rep
Strict Pullup - 5 reps
BB Sumo High Pull - 10 reps
Hand Release Pushup - 15 reps
#2 Do 2 rounds of:
BB Squat (2 second PAUSE) - 4 reps
Behind the Neck Split Jerk - 1 rep
Front Squat (2 second PAUSE) - 4 reps
Rest between rounds. Try to complete all 9 reps without setting the bar down.
#3 Air Squat - 150 reps
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