CHEST 1/15/13
#1 BB Floor Press (2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep) 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Start with a weight you can easily manage and then add weight each set.
Rest between sets.
#2 EZ Curl Bar Nosebreaker 25-20-15 reps
This is 3 sets. Rest between sets.
#3 Do 2 rounds of:
BB Bench Press (Close Grip, 1.5 REP) - 5 reps
EZ Curl Bar Pullover - 10 reps
Close Grip Pushup (thumbs about 2" apart) - 20 reps
Rest between rounds.
For the close grip bench press, have your index fingers just touching the smooth
part of the bar. There is no hand release for the close grip pushup.
#4 Do 2 rounds of:
Squat Box Jump - 1 minute
DB Incline Press - 1 minute
REST - 1 minute
BB Bench Press (NO TOUCH) - 10 reps
Rest between rounds.
The squat box jump, is essentially a jump squat onto an 18" box or tire. Stand
directly in front of the box, do a full squat, then come up out of the squat and
jump onto the box as quickly as you can. Stand all the way up on the box, at the
top of each rep.
For the NO TOUCH BB Bench Press, don't let the bar touch your chest at
the bottom of each rep. Keep the bar about 1" - 3" off your chest at the bottom
of each rep.
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