Do 1 round of:
Air Squat - 25 reps
DB Reverse Fly - 20 reps
Unweighted BB Back Squat - 15 reps
Unweighted BB Push Press - 10 reps
Unweighted BB Front Squat - 5 reps
#1 Strict Weighted Pullup 5 sets x 6 reps
Start with a weight you can easily manage and then try to add
weight each set.
#2 This is 2 rounds. For each exercise, do as many quality reps as you can
in 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, then move on to the next exercise.
Cable Row
Goblet Squat
Sledgehammer VS Tire (vertical swing) - 20 seconds per side
Double Under
Hand Release Pushup
Rest between rounds is also 20 seconds.
Man that was very entertaining and at the same time informative.’:;;. read this article