LEGS 10/2/12
#1 Sprint 50 Meters - 4 reps (effort level of 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90%)
#2 Sprint 100 Meters, on the 50-meter course, for time (we will post our times).
#3 BB Squat PAUSE - 11 reps (pause for a 3-count at the bottom of each rep)
#4 BB Squat Clean 3-3 reps (load for both sets is 75% of 1RM) Rest between sets.
#5 Run 800 meters (goal is less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds)
#6 BB Squat PAUSE - 7 reps (pause for a 3-count at the bottom of each rep)
#7 BB Squat Clean 2-2 reps (load for both sets is 80% of 1RM) Rest between sets.
#8 Burpee - As many reps as possible in 2 minutes
Results for the 100 meter sprint:
Rob Tijerina - 15.71 seconds
Dave Mechem - 17.06 seconds
Jason Bryant - 16.54 seconds
Carlo Anguiano - 15.90 seconds