
Monday, May 14, 2012

CHEST          5/14/12

#1  Double Suicide (50 meter course) Plus Crossfit Pushups - 1 set

      Every time you return to the start line, do 5 Crossfit Pushups.  So you 
      will do 40 total pushups during the double suicide.

#2  BB Incline Bench Press

      1st set - 10 reps
      2nd set - ADD 25 pounds to the weight used in the first set, and go to failure.
      3rd set - SUBTRACT 25 pounds from the weight used in the first set, and go 
            to failure.

#3  BB Bench Press - 20 reps

      With a partner, take turns doing 2 reps at a time, until each person does
      20 reps.  Recommended weight is 225 lbs, but feel free to go heavier or lighter.  
      For Tyson, Mike, and some of the other station 8 manly men, 275 lbs is 
      probably more appropriate.  We are shooting for a weight that is roughly 85% 
      of your 1 RM.

#4  Do 3 rounds of:

      BB Bench Press PAUSE - 6 reps
      Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds (on the 50 meter course)
      Stability Ball Alternating DB Chest Press - 15 reps

      Rest between rounds.  I think for the 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, you
      won't have to sprint at 100% max effort, but you will still need to hustle to stay
      under 20 seconds.

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