
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

BACK          5/4/12

#1  5-10-5 Shuttle (also called a 20-yard shuttle)

      This is an NFL Combine event, but we are not timing it today.
      There are 3 lines in this drill:  a zero-yard line, a 5-yard line,
      and a 10-yard line.  You start at the 5-yard line, straddling the line,
      with the 10-yard line to your left.  One hand is down, touching the
      line.  You run left to the 10-yard line,
      touch it with your hand, run to the zero-yard line, touch it, then
      finish at the 5-yard line.  There are many examples of it on youtube.
      You are going to do 7 reps of this shuttle, one rep each, at 60% effort, 70%,
      80%, 90%, and then 3 reps at 100% effort.

#2  BB Row          6 + 2 partial reps  ----->  4 + 2 partial reps

      #2 is just one set.  Start with a weight you can do 6 complete reps with.
      The goal is 6, but do as many full reps as you can.  And then do 2
      partial reps.  WORK HARD ON THE PARTIAL REPS.
      Then decrease weight and immediately go for 4 full reps and 2 more
      partial reps.

#3  Weighted Pullup          5-5-5

#4  Do 3 rounds of:

      BB Front Squat - 6 reps
      Cable Row - 12 reps
      BB Deadlift - 3 reps
      Run 200 meters

      #4 is continuous work.  No prescribed rest.
      My intention is to use 2 barbells for #4, with a heavier weight for the deadlift.


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