
Friday, March 1, 2013

LEGS          3/1/13

#1  BB Deadlift - 20 reps

#2  BB Back Squat (no pause) - 20 reps

#3  Do 3 rounds of:

      BB 3-position Clean Grip Deadlift PLUS Hip Clean - 3 reps
      Lateral Burpee - 12 reps
      Toes to Bar - 12 reps
      Double Under - you have 1 minute to complete as many UNBROKEN reps as you can.

      See the Demo Video for the 3-position clean grip deadlift plus hip clean.
      For the lateral burpee, when you jump at the top of each rep, instead of jumping
      straight up like a regular burpee, you will jump sideways over a BB with 45s on it.
      Jump to the right for one rep, then back to the left on the next rep, and so on.
      For the Double Unders, your unbroken rep total is the number of reps you can do 
      without stopping.  WE WILL POST OUR BEST TOTAL for double unders, out of 
      the 3 rounds.  Rest between rounds.  

#4  BB Deadlift - 6 reps

#5  BB Back Squat (no pause) - 6 reps

#6  Double Suicide on the 50 meter course while carrying a 20-pound DB, FOR TIME.

      We will post our times.

      Results for the unbroken double unders and double suicide with a 20-pound DB:
      Scott Johnson - 39 double unders, 2:18 for the double suicide

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty easy to post such good times on the run and double unders when you don't push yourself on any other parts of the workout. I'm catching on to your sandbagging ways and will continue to follow your lead master.
