CHEST 3/16/13
#1 BB Bench Press WITH BANDS (no pause) 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Start with a weight you can easily manage and then add weight each set.
There is a tab at the top of the home page that gives an explanation of the bands
and how to set them up for bench press. This is the first time we have used the
bands, so be careful and use a spotter!
#2 Start a timer:
When you start the timer - do 20 burpees and 6 reps of Standing BB Shoulder Press
At 2:00 minutes - do 20 hand release pushups and 6 reps of BB Push Press
At 4:00 minutes - do 20 DB Incline Presses and 3 reps of BB Split Jerk
Try to use the same weight on the barbell for all 3 exercises.
The faster you work, the more time you will have to rest before the start of the next
even minute.
#3 BB Bench Press with a 2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep - 10 reps
This is one set. 10 reps is your target, but keep doing reps until you fail.
#4 Do 2 rounds of:
BB Incline Bench Press (no pause and no chest touch) - 8 reps
Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds
DB Stability Ball Alternating Chest Press - 16 reps
Rest between rounds.
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