CHEST 3/22/13
#1 Do 1 round of:
Goblet Squat - 25 reps
Hand Release Pushup - 25 reps
Medicine Ball Wall Ball - 25 reps
Double Under - 25 reps
#2 BB Bench Press WITH BANDS (no pause)
Every 15 seconds, do 3 reps. The sets begin at 0:00 seconds, 0:15 seconds,
0:30 seconds, 0:45 seconds, and 1 minute. One round equals 15 total reps.
You will do 2 rounds. Rest between rounds. Move the bar on the concentric
(upward) phase as QUICKLY and EXPLOSIVELY as possible. Touch the
bar to your chest, but do NOT bounce the bar at the bottom of the rep.
The objective here is BAR SPEED, so if the bar is moving slowly
during any of the reps, the weight is too heavy.
#3 Repeat #1
#4 BB Power Rack Bench Press 7-5-3 reps
Rest between sets. Make sure the bar comes to a complete stop on the rack at
the bottom of each rep, before you begin the next rep. Don't bounce the bar off
the rack. Try to set up the rack so the bar is about 1-3" off your chest at the
bottom of the rep. Go as heavy as you can.
#5 Repeat #1
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