
Friday, December 7, 2012

SHOULDERS          12/8/12

#1  Sprint 25 meters - 10 reps

      Effort level is 60% for rep 1, 70% for rep 2, 80% for rep 3,  90% for rep 4,
      and then 100% for the last 6 reps.  Your rest is when you are walking back
      to the start line. 

#2  Start a timer.  At the start of every even minute, do:

      BB Standing Shoulder Press - 6 reps (pause for 2 seconds at the top of each rep)
      Plate Pull - 40' across the truck room floor
      DB Reverse Fly - 15 reps

      Do 5 rounds.  So you will start a round at 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00 minutes.

#3  DB Lateral Raise - 100 reps

      You will need to break this down into multiple sets.  Work as quickly as you can
      to complete all 100 reps.

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