CHEST 12/4/12
#1 BB Power Rack Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Start a timer and do 3 reps at the start of each minute. 5 total sets.
There is a demo video for this one. In the power rack, adjust the pins
so that when you are on the bench, the weight is resting on the pins
and about 1" - 3" off your chest. Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of
each rep and then try to be explosive as you drive the weight up.
We are looking for bar SPEED.
#2 BB Bench Press (Close Grip)
Set 1 - 1.5 REP - 5 reps (Down, halfway up, back down, all the way up = 1 rep)
Set 2 - 10 reps + 1 Negative Rep
Set 3 - PAUSE - 15 reps
Rest between sets. Go as heavy as you can each set.
For the negative rep, lower the bar as slowly as you can to your chest.
#3 Hand Release Pushup - 1 minute
REST - 1 minute
DB Incline Press - 1 minute
REST - 1 minute
Medicine Ball Wall Ball - 1 minute
REST - 1 minute
Stability Ball Pushup - 1 minute (2 hands on bench, foot on ball)
REST - 1 minute
DB Nosebreaker - 1 minute
REST - 1 minute
Burpee - 1 minute
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