LEGS 12/25/12
As part of your warmup, with just a bar or a broomstick, do 2 continuous rounds of:
BB Muscle Snatch - 5 reps
BB Snatch Grip Push Press - 5 reps
BB Snatch Drop - 5 reps
BB Overhead Squat - 5 reps
There are videos of the muscle snatch and snatch drop on the exercise demo page.
#1 Sprint 50 meters - 4 reps (effort level of 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90%)
#2 Sprint 100 meters, on the 50 meter course, for time (we will post our times)
#3 BB Squat PAUSE - 12 reps (2 second pause at the bottom of each rep)
#4 BB Squat Clean Do 1 rep every 20 seconds, for 6 total reps. So, do 1 rep when
you start the timer, then at 0:20, 0:40, 1:00, 1:20, and 1:40
(load is 65% of clean 1RM)
#5 Run 800 meters on the 50-meter course (goal is less than 3:30)
#6 BB Front Squat PAUSE - 8 reps (2 second pause at the bottom of each rep)
#7 BB Squat Clean and Jerk Do 1 rep every half-minute, for 4 total reps.
(load is 65% of clean 1RM)
#8 Burpee - Do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds.
Results for the 100 meter sprint (on the 50 meter course):
Scott Johnson - 15.6 seconds
Don Starr - 15.6 seconds
Troy Etheredge - 14.6 seconds
Jason Bryant - 17.37 seconds
Count - 17.6 seconds
Justin Slusher - 16.35 seconds
Carlo Anguiano - 15.3 seconds
Rob Tijerina - 15.4 seconds
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