LEGS 12/7/12
#1 Standing Triple Jump - 10 total reps
I will post a demo of this by noon today. It starts like a standing broad jump.
You jump with both feet as far as you can, land on your right foot, jump
again as far as you can, land on your left, jump again, and then land on both feet.
Your distance is the total of all three jumps.
Be throughly warmed up before you start #1. We are going to measure our final
three attempts and we will post our best of the three. Rest between reps.
#2 BB Squat 5-5-5 reps
For all 3 sets, do 1 rep every 15 seconds. Each set looks like this:
Take the weight from the rack, then do one rep at 0:00, 0:15, 0:30, 0:45, and 1:00.
Then rerack the weight.
LOAD IS 80% OF YOUR BB SQUAT 1RM. Rest between sets.
#3 BB Ground to Overhead (recommended weight is 135) - 30 reps
Keep good posture!
#4 Do 10 rounds of:
Air Squat - 20 seconds
REST - 10 seconds
Results for Standing Triple Jump:
Scott Johnson - 26' 4"
Troy Etheredge - 26'
Chris Moren - 24'
Carlo Anguiano - 24' 4"
Don Starr - 22' 11"
And coming in first in the ladies division Chris "Pebble" Moren