
Friday, April 27, 2012

BACK          4/27/12

#1  Pullup          5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 reps

      Start the first set with strict pullups and a 20-pound DB.  If necessary,
      as you progress through the sets, go to unweighted
      strict pullups, and then to unweighted kipping pullups.
      But stick with strict pullups and the 20-pound DB if you can.

#2  Do 3 rounds of:

      KB Swing - 20 reps
      Cable Row - 20 reps
      Jump Squat - 20 reps
      BB Deadlift - 2 reps
      Rest between rounds.

#3  Timed 200 meter run (on a measured 50 meter course)

      We will post our times.  

Times for the 200 meter run:

Rob Tijerina  -  40.68 seconds
Carlo Anguiano - 36.78 seconds
Scott Johnson  -  36.09 seconds

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