CHEST 4/3/13
#1 Sprint 100 meters on the 50 meter course - 6 reps
Effort level for the sprints is: Rep 1 - 60%, Rep 2 - 70%, Rep 3 - 80%,
Rep 4 - 90%, Rep 5 + 6 - 100%. We will record our times for reps 5 + 6, and then
post our best time. Rest between reps.
#2 BB Bench Press (NO pause) 1-1-1-1-1-1 rep
We are going for a 1 Rep Max here. Start with a weight you can easily manage and
then increase weight each set. Rest between sets. We will post our results.
#3 Start a timer:
At 0:00 - 3 reps of Standing BB Shoulder Press AND 20 Burpees
At 2:00 - 6 reps of BB Push Press AND 20 Hand Release Pushups
At 4:00 - 3 reps of BB Split Jerk AND 20 reps of DB Incline Press
At 6:00 - 3 reps of Standing BB Shoulder Press AND 15 Burpees
At 8:00 - 6 reps of BB Push Press AND 15 Hand Release Pushups
At 10:00 - 3 reps of Split Jerk AND 15 reps of DB Incline Press
Try to use the same weight on the barbell for all 6 rounds.
Results for the 100 meter sprint on the 50 meter course and 1RM Bench Press:
Rob Tijerina - 15.56 seconds, 280 lbs
Scott Johnson - 16.00 seconds, 265 lbs
Troy Etheredge - 305 lbs
Tyson Poindexter - 350 lbs
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