BACK 4/28/13
#1 BB Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Recommended load, as a percentage of 1RM, is 67.5% for set 1, 70% for set 2,
72.5% for set 3, 75% for set 4, 77.5% for set 4, and 80% for set 5. If you cannot
maintain your posture for all reps, the weight is too heavy. Technique is the priority
here. As the weight comes off the floor, try to move your shoulders and hips at the
same time. Don't let your butt move first. There is a new deadlift video on the exercise
demo page.
#2 This is 5 rounds.
For Round 1, just do E.
For Round 2, do D and E.
For Round 3, do C, D, and E.
For Round 4, do B, C, D, and E.
For Round 5, do A, B, C, D, and E.
Rest one minute between rounds.
A) Horizontal Swing, Sledgehammer VS Tire - 25 reps per side
B) Medicine Ball Wall Ball - 25 reps
C) DB Row - 15 reps per side
D) Burpee - 10 reps
E) BB Row - 10 reps
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