LEGS 4/24/13
#1 50 Meter Shuttle Run - 7 reps
Run 12.5 meters forward, 12.5 meters backward, then 25 meters forward.
Effort level for the 7 reps is: 60% for rep 1, 70% for rep 2, 80% for rep 3, and
then 90% for reps 4-7. Rest 30 seconds between each rep.
#2 Every minute, on the minute, for 7 rounds, do:
BB Squat Clean (pull from the floor) - 1 rep
BB Hang Clean (pull from knee height) - 1 rep
BB Hip Clean (pull from hip height) - 1 rep
Recommended weight is 70% of your Squat Clean 1RM, but feel free to go lighter
if necessary to keep good posture and technique. Try to keep your arms straight
until you fully extend your hips, and then pull yourself under the bar.
#3 Tire Pull with 100 lbs in tire, 25 meters - 2 reps
You are backpedaling, facing the tire, as you pull.
Do 1 rep at your own pace, rest, then do 1 rep for time.
We will post our results.
#4 BB Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
PAUSE for 2 seconds at the bottom of the FIRST rep.
NO pause on the second rep.
Load for the 6 sets is: 70%, 75%, 70%, 80%, 70%, 85%
Rest between sets.
#5 Jump Squat - 90 seconds
Results for the 25 meter tire pull with 100 lbs in tire:
Carlo Anguiano - 14.5 seconds
Rob Tijerina - 20.2 seconds
Don Starr - 19.8 seconds
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