As part of your warmup, do:
Standing BB Shoulder Press (unweighted barbell) 10-10 reps
Then do:
Standing BB Shoulder Press with BANDS and kettlebells 5-5-5 reps
PAUSE for 2 seconds at the bottom and the top of each rep.
(See picture at bottom of workout for bands/kettlebell setup)
Use light kettlebells. Rest about a minute between sets.
#1 In 7 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
Pullup - 5 reps
BB Push Press - 10 reps
DB Lateral Raise - 15 reps
#1 is continuous work.
#2 Standing BB Shoulder Press
Set 1 - 10 reps
Set 2 - ADD 20 lbs to the weight used in Set 1, and go to failure
Set 3 - SUBTRACT 20 lbs from the weight used in Set 1, and go to failure
Rest between sets.
#3 Do 2 rounds of:
DB Thruster - 1 minute
Farmer's Walk with a 45 lb plate in each hand - 100 meters
DB Reverse Fly - 1 minute
BB Shrug - 20 reps
Rest between rounds.
Double up the band, feed it through the kettlebell handle, then
hang it on the collar of the barbell.
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