Warmup - Do 5 rounds of:
DB Thruster - 5 reps (light weight)
Run 25 meters - Effort level: R1-50%, R2-60%, R3-70%, R4-80%, R5-90%
#1 Run 50 meters - 5 reps at 100% effort
#2 BB Back Squat
Shooting for a heavy, but not maximal, set of 2 reps.
There will be sets of 2 reps today, 4/27/17, and 5/3/17.
Try to go heavier each time, with hopefully a PR set of 2 reps on 5/3.
So pick a goal weight for today, then after as many warmup sets and reps
as you like:
Set 1 - 2 reps as 90% of your goal weight for today
Set 2 - 2 reps at goal weight for today
Sets 3 and 4 - 2 reps back down at 90%
#3 BB Clean Grip Deadlift
Similar to back squats, there will be sets of 2 reps today, on 4/27/17, and 5/3/17.
But there are no drop sets for the deadlifts.
For today, work up to a somewhat heavy set of 2 reps.
Let's be smart on these heavy deadlifts. Butt down, chest up, and if you
can't maintain good posture throughout the lift then the weight is TOO HEAVY.
I would much rather you do a lighter weight with good technique than a heavy
weight with poor technique.
#4 In 12 minutes, with a partner, do as many rounds as you can of:
Air Squat - 18 reps
Burpee - 12 reps
Hand Release Pushup - 15 reps
BB Rack Press - 6 reps
BB Row - 6 reps
Use the same weight for the Rack Press and BB Row
Only one partner is working at a time and you alternate exercises.
So Partner A does the Air Squats, then Partner B does the Burpees,
Partner A does the Pushups, Partner B does the Rack Presses, Partner
A does the Rows, Partner B does the Air Squats, etc.
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