
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Warmup - With an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
      Behind the Neck Push Press - 5 reps
      Back Squat - 5 reps
      Standing Shoulder Press - 5 reps
      Front Squat - 5 reps
      Clean Grip Row - 10 reps

#1  Cable Row
      All sets are 8 reps.  Start light and add weight each set until you
      hit an 8 Rep Max.

#2  Every minute, on the minute, do 3 reps of BB Clean Grip Deadlift
      Every minute, on the half minute, do 6 pullups

      It should look like this:
      0:00 - BB Clean Grip Deadlift - 3 reps
      0:30 - Pullup - 6 reps
      1:00 - BB Clean Grip Deadlift - 3 reps
      1:30 - Pullup - 6 reps
      ......continuing this pattern until you have completed 10 sets of each
      exercise.  Your last set will start at 9:30.  You can kip on the pullups.

      Try to use a different grip for each set of pullups.  You can go wider,
      more narrow, overhand, underhand, alternating, or any other variation.

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