LEGS 2/5/13
As part of your warmup, with an unweighted barbell, do 3 rounds of:
Snatch Grip Push Press - 6 reps
Overhead Squat (NO PAUSE) - 6 reps
Snatch Drop (NO PAUSE) - 3 reps
Rest for roughly one minute between rounds.
#1 BB Squat (with a 2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep) 2-2-2-2-2 reps
This is a progression. Start with a weight you can easily handle and then
increase weight each set. Rest between sets.
#2 Burpee - 60 seconds
BB Squat (NO PAUSE) at 75% of your Squat 1RM - 60 seconds
Double Under - 60 seconds
BB Squat (NO PAUSE) at 65% of your Squat 1RM - 60 seconds
Toes to Bar - 60 seconds
BB Squat (NO PAUSE) at 55% of your Squat 1RM - 60 seconds
You can rack the BB as often as you need to for the sets of barbell squats. The weight
is probably going to be too heavy to do continuous reps for a minute. Just get as
many reps as you can for that minute, with perfect posture and technique.
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