BACK 2/15/13
#1 Cable Row - 10 reps
One set. PAUSE for 2 seconds at the "top" of each rep (the point where the
handle is at your stomach)
#2 Every minute, on the minute, do 7 pullups.
Every minute, on the half-minute, do 7 reps of DB Thruster.
It should look like this:
0:00 - pullup - 7 reps
0:30 - DB Thruster - 7 reps
1:00 - pullup - 7 reps
1:30 - DB Thruster - 7 reps
......continuing this pattern until you have done 7 sets of each exercise.
For pullups, CHANGE YOUR GRIP EVERY SET. You can do overhand,
underhand, alternating, close grip, normal grip, wide grip, etc.
Try to do strict pullups, but kip if you need to.
#3 Cable Row - 10 reps
One set. Same PAUSE as #1.
#4 Do 3 continuous rounds of:
Run 200 meters
BB Romanian Deadlift - 3 reps
BB Hip Clean - 3 reps
Load for Romanian Deadlift and Hip Clean is 65% of your 1RM clean.
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