CHEST 2/26/13
#1 Sprint 25 meters - 10 reps
Run 1 sprint every 30 seconds.
Effort level is: Rep 1 - 60%, Rep 2 - 70%, Rep 3 - 80%, Rep 4, 5, and 6 - 90%
Rep 7, 8, 9, and 10 - 100%
#2 BB Bench Press with ISOMETRIC PAUSE 3-3-3-3 reps
Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of each rep. Don't let the bar touch your chest at the
bottom of the rep. Keep the bar about 1 - 3" from your chest.
We are going for a 3 Rep Max. Start with a weight you can easily manage and then
add weight each set. We will post our results.
#3 Hand Release Pushups - 100 reps
Break this into as many sets as you need to. Just try to finish all the reps as quickly
as you can.
#4 Do 3 rounds of:
BB Bench Press - 4 HALF REPS
BB Bench Press - 1 full rep
BB Bench Press - 4 HALF REPS
BB Bench Press - 1 full rep
DB Nosebreaker - 15 reps
Rest between rounds. The HALF REPS are the bottom half of the range of motion.
Move the bar with control, try not to bounce the bar off your chest. Go as heavy
as you can.
#5 Start a timer. This is one round.
Minute 0:00 - 2:00 - Run as far as you can on the 50 meter course
Minute 2:00 - 4:00 - Establish a BB Bench Press 1 Rep Max
Minute 4:00 - 5:00 - Plate Pull 40 feet (you should have time to spare on this one)
Minute 5:00 - 6:00 - Max Reps of Burpees
We will post our distance for the run, our lbs for the bench press, and number
of reps for burpees.
Results for isometric pause 3RM and results for #5:
Troy Etheredge - 245 lbs 3RM / 450 meters, 250 lbs (1RM), 20 burpees for #5
Rob Tijerina - 245 lbs 3RM / 425 meters, 260 lbs (fail), 19 burpees for #5
Don Starr - ? lbs 3RM / 475 meters, 155 lbs (fail), 10 burpees for #5
Scott Johnson - 205 lbs 3RM / 475 meters, 225 lbs (1RM), 20 burpees for #5
Carlo Anguiano - 245 lbs 3RM / 425 meters, 245 lbs (1RM), 20 burpees for #5
Jason Bryant - 215 lbs 3RM
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