CHEST 9/17/12
#1 BB Bench Press 5-5-5-5 reps
From the starting position down to your chest, for every rep, it is a 7-count
(7 seconds long).
#2 This is 3 rounds.
Round 1 - Do as many exercises and reps as you can in 3 MINUTES
Rest - 1 minute
Round 2 - Do as many exercises and reps as you can in 6 MINUTES
Rest - 1 minute
Round 3 - Do as many exercises and reps as you can in 9 MINUTES
If, during a round, you complete all 9 exercises, then you are done with that round.
Hand Release Pushup - 30 reps
Medicine Ball Wall Ball - 20 reps
Toes to Bar - 20 reps
DB Bench Press - 30 reps
BB Shoulders to Overhead - 20 reps
24" Box Jump - 20 reps
Stability Ball Pushup - 30 reps (2 hands on bench, 1 foot on the ball)
Kettlebell Sumo High Pull - 20 reps
Kipping Pullup - 20 reps
For the shoulders to overhead, for each rep get the bar from the front of your
shoulders to locked out overhead any way you want/can. Press, push press,
jerk, or any other method you choose.
Has anyone else noticed how the workouts have gotten easier since Scott has been off?