
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BACK          9/18/12

#1  BB Row - With a partner, do a TOTAL of 60 reps.  You can divide the reps up
      evenly (30 and 30) or one person can end up doing more reps than the other
      person.  One person is working, the other person is resting.
      The load is the AVERAGE of the partners' 10RMs.
      For example, Mr. A's 10RM = 145 lbs.  Mr. B's 10RM = 185 lbs.
      The load for these two partners is 165 lbs. 
      The 60 total reps will require several sets from each person.

#2  Complete as many rounds as possible, in 6 minutes, of:

      Pullup (Strict or Kipping) 3-6-9-12-15-18-21.....
      BB Deadlift         3-6-9-12-15-18-21.....

      Do 3 pullups, then 3 deadlifts, then 6 pullups, then 6 deadlifts, etc.

      If you complete the round of 21 reps, do 24 reps, then 27, etc.

      You pick the load for the deadlift.  Try to use the same weight for the
      whole 6 minute period. 

#3  Do 8 rounds of:

      DB Reverse Fly - 20 seconds of work
      REST - 10 seconds

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