Warmup - At a comfortable pace, do 2 rounds of:
Pushup - 15 reps (not hand release)
Unweighted BB Behind the Neck Thruster - 10 reps
Clean Grip Row - 15 reps
#1 BB Row - 4 sets x 12 reps
Go as heavy as you can for all 4 sets.
#2 Start a timer.
At 0:00, do as many strict unweighted pullups as you can in 45 seconds.
These do not have to be unbroken. You can get on and off the bar as many
times as you like. Then, at 2:00, begin 2 rounds of:
2:00 - DB Row - 12 reps per side
3:00 - Cable Row - 18 reps
4:00 - Burpee - 12 reps
5:00 - DB Thruster - 18 reps
Round 2 starts at 6:00 with DB rows, then cable rows at 7:00, burpees at
8:00, and DB thrusters at 9:00. (You don't repeat the pullups.)
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