Warmup - At a comfortable pace, do 1 round of:
Air Squat - 25 reps
Unweighted Clean Grip BB Row - 20 reps
Unweighted BB Back Squat - 15 reps
Unweighted BB Push Press - 10 reps
#1 Cable Row
1 set x 15 reps, 1 set x 10 reps, 3 sets x 5 reps
Go as heavy as you can. Rest between sets.
#2 Do 1 round of:
Strict Unweighted Pullup - 25 reps
Plate Pull - 80 feet
BB Row - 25 reps
Double Under - 80 reps
BB Push Press - 25 reps
It is fine to break up the exercises into multiple sets in order to complete
all reps.
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