LEGS 5/24/13
As part of your warmup, with an unweighted barbell, do 2 rounds of:
Romanian Deadlift - 5 reps
Hip Clean - 5 reps
Good Morning - 5 reps
Back Squat with a 2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep - 5 reps
Behind the Neck Clean Grip Push Press - 5 reps
Snatch Drop - 5 reps
Rest about a minute between rounds, then also with an unweighted BB, do 1 set of:
BB Thruster - 30 reps
#1 BB Overhead Squat with a 5 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep 3-3-3-3 reps
Try to add weight each set. Go heavy but with perfect technique. Feel free to stick
with just the bar or a light weight to maintain your posture and technique.
Rest between sets.
#2 BB Front Squat (no pause) - Every minute, on the minute, do 5 reps. Do 10 total sets.
Go as heavy as you can.
#3 Jump Squat - Do as many reps as you can in 90 seconds.
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