
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

CHEST          5/21/13

As part of your warmup, do 4 rounds of:

      Pullup - 5 reps
      Pushup (not hand release) - 10 reps
      Air Squat - 15 reps

      THEN do BB Bench Press    
      10 reps (50%) - 8 reps (55%) - 6 reps (60%) - 4 reps (65%) - 2 reps (70%)
      Percentages are based on your bench press 1 Rep Max
      Rest about a minute or so between sets.  

#1  BB Bench Press WITH BANDS with a 2 second PAUSE      4-4-4-4 reps

      Start with a weight you can easily manage and then increase weight each set.  Try to 
      go as heavy as possible by the 4th set.  We will post our results for our heaviest set.  
      Rest between sets.

#2  Do 2 rounds of:

      BB Incline Bench Press (no touch, no pause) - 10 reps
      BB Sumo High Pull - 10 reps
      Toes to Bar - 15 reps
      EZ Curl Bar Nosebreaker - 20 reps

      For the BB Incline, keep the bar 1-3" off your chest at the bottom of each rep.
      Rest 3 minutes between rounds.  

#3  BB Bench Press      6-4-2 reps

      5 seconds on the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep and then move the bar as
      quickly as you can on the concentric (upward) phase.  
      Go as heavy as you can each set.  Rest between sets.

#4  BB Floor Press - 15 reps

      15 reps is your target, but go to failure.  Make sure you come to a complete stop
      at the bottom of each rep, with your triceps on the ground.  Don't bounce at the 
      bottom.  This is just one set.  

      Results for the 4 Rep Max of BB Bench Press with bands, with a pause:
      Troy Etheredge - 185 lbs
      Scott Johnson - 140 lbs
      Carlo Anguiano - 185 lbs
      Don Starr - 105 lbs
      Rob Tijerina - 165 lbs
      Jason Bryant - 150 lbs
      Brian Oehler - 205 lbs


  1. Nice job Kyle! 205 plus the bands is heavy!! Thanks for posting.

  2. That's a class 114 205 Scott. Not exactly all the reps or full range of motion. Just sayin. I see a pattern with this class. Damn laterals. Always taking shortcuts. ;-0

  3. Ha ha. I guess i will have to keep an eye on Kyle!
