BACK 5/10/13
#1 3-Position Clean Grip Deadlift PLUS Hip Clean 3-3-3-3 reps
There is a demo for this on the exercise demo page. The bar stops at 3 different
positions during each rep. PAUSE for 1 second as soon as the bar breaks contact
with the ground (when the weights are about 1-3" off the ground), then PAUSE for
1 second with the bar at knee height, then PAUSE for 1 second with the bar at the top
of your quads. Then do the hip clean. Rest between sets. Start with a weight you can
easily manage and then add weight each set.
#2 BB Row - 60 reps
With a partner, take turns doing sets of 10 reps, until you have both completed 60 reps.
Try to use the same weight for all 6 sets. Your work:rest ratio should be 1:1. Your only
rest is when your partner is working.
#3 Do 2 rounds of:
Cable Row - 40 seconds
REST - 20 seconds
DB Thruster - 40 seconds
REST - 20 seconds
Kipping Pullup - 40 seconds
REST - 20 seconds
Double Under - 40 seconds
REST - 20 seconds
Your only rest between rounds is the 20 seconds after the double unders.
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