
Thursday, October 29, 2020


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
DB Reverse Fly - 10 reps
Unweighted BB Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
Unweighted BB Back Squat - 10 reps

#1  BB Bench Press - 3 sets x 3 reps
Do as many warmup reps and sets as you like.
Set 1 is a max set of 3 reps.
Then take off 10% or 20 lbs (subtract the larger number) and do
2 more sets x 3 reps.

#2  In 15 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
Pullup - 10 reps
Tricep Pressdown - 15 reps (band or light cable)
Air Squat - 25 reps
Standing DB Hammer Curl - 10 reps (both arms at the same time)
Pushup - 15 reps (not hand release)
45 lb Bumper Plate Carry - 50 meters (carry it any way you like)

This is continuous work.

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