DB Reverse Fly - 10 reps
Unweighted BB Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
Unweighted BB Back Squat - 10 reps
#1 BB Bench Press - 4 sets x 3 reps
Do as many warmup reps and sets as you like, then
Set 1 is a moderately heavy set of 3 reps.
Leave room to go up on 10/29 for a max set of 3 reps.
Then take off 10% or 20 lbs (subtract the larger number) and do
3 more sets x 3 reps
#2 This is continuous work. Do one round of:
Tire Pull - 50 meters with 50 lbs in the tire
Double Under - 70 reps
Plank - 60 seconds (elbows and toes)
Air Squat - 50 reps
Hand Release Pushup - 40 reps
American Kettlebell Swing - 30 reps
Run 500 meters
DB Thruster - 20 reps with 40 lb DB's
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