Warmup - Do 5 rounds of:
Run 25 meters - effort level: R1-50%, R2-60%, R3-70%, R4-80%, R5-90%
DB Thruster - 5 reps (light weight)
#1 Run 25 meters x 5 reps at 100%
Rest between reps.
#2 BB Back Squat - Top weight for today should be heavy, but not a maximal
set of 5 reps.
Set 1 - 5 reps at 90% of your top weight for today
Set 2 - 5 reps at your top weight
Set 3 - 5 reps back down to 90% of your top weight
There will be fives today, on Feb. 2nd, and Feb. 8th. The goal
is to go heavier each time and then hit a PR set of 5 on Feb. 8th. So, if your
5RM is 275 lbs for example, then your top sets for the next three workouts
might be 260 today, then 270 on the 2nd, then 280 on the 8th.
#3 BB Clean Grip Deadlift
Work up to one heavy, but not maximal, set of 5 reps. No drop sets.
Weight should increase for deadlifts on Feb. 2nd, then going for a PR set
of 5 on Feb. 8th.
#4 Start a timer. This is 4 rounds.
0:00 - Cable Row 16-14-12-10 reps
1:00 - DB Incline Bench Press 16-14-12-10 reps
2:00 - BB Row 8-10-12-14 reps
3:00 - Burpee 8-10-12-14 reps
4:00 - Plank 40 seconds each round (elbows + toes)
For round 1, do 16 cable rows, 16 presses, 8 BB rows, 8 burpees, plank 40 sec
For round 2, do 14 cable rows, 14 presses, 10 BB rows, 10 burpees, plank 40 sec
For round 3, do 12 cable rows, 12 presses, 12 BB rows, 12 burpees, plank 40 sec
For round 4, do 10 cable rows, 10 presses, 14 BB rows, 14 burpees, plank 40 sec
Round 2 starts at 5 minutes. Round 3 starts at 10 minutes.
Round 4 starts at 15 minutes.
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