
Friday, December 20, 2013

SHOULDERS - 12/21/13

Warmup - At a comfortable pace, with an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
      Front Squat - 10 reps
      Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
      Back Squat - 10 reps
      Behind the Neck Push Press - 10 reps

#1  Standing BB Shoulder Press

      Every minute, on the minute, do 3 reps.  You will do a total of 10 sets.
      Be sure to completely lock out the weight overhead on each rep.  Try to
      stick with the same weight for all 10 sets.

#2  In 3 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
      Goblet Squat      10 reps (Rd 1) -11 reps (Rd 2) -12 reps (Rd 3)...
      BB Row               5 reps (Rd 1) - 6 reps (Rd 2) - 7 reps (Rd 3)...

      REST - 2 minutes

      In 5 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
      DB Lateral Raise      10 reps (Rd 1) - 11 reps (Rd 2) - 12 reps (Rd 3)...
      Toes to Bar                5 reps (Rd 1) - 6 reps (Rd 2) - 7 reps (Rd 3)...

      REST - 2 minutes

      In 7 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
      Double Under      20 reps (Rd 1) - 21 reps (Rd 2) - 22 reps (Rd 3)...
      BB Push Press     10 reps (Rd 1) - 11 reps (Rd 2) - 12 reps (Rd 3)...

      For all six exercises in #2, add a rep every set until you hit the time limit
      for the round.

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