Warmup - At a comfortable pace, do 5 rounds of:
Run 50 meters
DB Reverse Fly - 10 reps
Effort level for the 50 meter runs: R1 - 50%, R2 - 60%, R3 - 70%, R4 - 80%,
R5 - 90%
#1 Start a timer.
At 0:00 - Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, then 15 reps of BB Row
At 2:00 - Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, then 13 reps of BB Row
At 4:00 - Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, then 11 reps of BB Row
At 6:00 - Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, then 9 reps of BB Row
At 8:00 - Run 100 meters in less than 20 seconds, then 7 reps of BB Row
#3 Strict Weighted Pullup 3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Start with a weight you can easily manage and then try to add weight each set.
Rest between sets.
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