Warmup - Do 25 Air Squats, then with an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
Back Squat - 5 reps
Good Morning - 5 reps
Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (PAUSE for 2 seconds TOP and BOTTOM) - 5 reps
#1 BB 3-Position Clean Grip Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Rest between sets. Start with a weight you can easily handle and then try
to add weight each set. For the 3-Position Deadlift, pause for 1 second when
the bar first breaks contact with the floor, pause for 1 second when the bar is
at your knees, and then stand all the way up with the bar.
#2 This is 4 rounds. For Round 1, work 15 seconds: rest 15 seconds. For Round 2,
work 30 seconds: rest 30 seconds. For Round 3, work 45 seconds: rest 45 seconds.
For Round 4, work 60 seconds: rest 60 seconds. Your rest between rounds is the 15
seconds after round 1, then 30 seconds after round 2, etc.
Kipping Pullup
Double Under
BB Row
Jump Squat
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