Warmup - do 5 rounds of:
Sprint 25 meters
Air Squat - 10 reps
For the sprints, effort level for the 5 rounds is 50% for round 1, then 60%, 70%,
80%, and 90%.
#1 Every half minute, on the half minute, sprint 25 meters. You will do 10 total reps.
#2 BB Clean 2-2-2-2 reps
From the time the bar breaks contact with the floor until the bar is at your knees,
this is 3 SECONDS. Slow and controlled off the floor, then go at a normal,
aggressive pace through the rest of the rep. Reset your position after each rep.
Don't "touch and go" on the second rep. Rest between sets. You pick the weight.
#3 BB Back Squat 20-10 reps
Go as heavy as you can for each set. Rest between sets.
#4 This is 6 minutes of continuous work:
Burpee 3, 6, 9, 12...
BB Deadlift 3, 6, 9, 12...
Do 3 burpees, then 3 deadlifts, then 6 burpees, then 6 deadlifts, then 9 burpees etc.
We want perfect posture on all reps of the deadlift!! I would much rather see slow,
perfect deadlifts with lighter weight than fast, sloppy deadlifts with poor posture at
a heavier weight.
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