
Monday, December 26, 2011

SHOULDERS       12/26/11

#1  Pullup                                      5
      Crossfit Pushup                       10
      DB Lateral Raise                     15

      Do 5 rounds, continuous work.  For the Crossfit pushup, touch your
      torso to the ground and briefly take your hands off the ground, at the
      bottom of each rep.

#2  Standing BB Shoulder Press    25

      Use a weight you can do 10 times.  You will have to break
      the set of 25 down into multiple sets.  Complete the reps as
      quickly as you can.

#3  BB Shrug 275 pounds               40

      You will probably have to break this down into multiple sets also.
      Complete the 40 reps as quickly as you can.

#4  BB Sumo High Pull                   15-15
      Toes to Bar                               15-15

      Superset.  Do one set of sumo high pull, followed immediately by
      one set of toes to bar.  Rest.  Then do the second set.

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