
Thursday, December 29, 2011

BACK      12/29/11

#1  Cable Row (2 sets)          10 reps/decrease lbs/10 reps

      One set equals: 10 reps, decrease
      the weight, immediately do ten more reps.  Start with a
      weight that makes it difficult to complete 10 reps.  Rest
      between sets.

#2  Weighted pullup              12
      Box Jump                        24

      Just one set of each, back-to-back.  For the weighted pullup,
      12 reps is the goal, but go to failure.  For the box jump, we
      don't have a legit box, so we jump onto the tailboard of the engine. 

#3  BB Row (2 sets)                4 reps/decrease lbs/4 reps/decrease lbs/4reps           
      Start with a weight that makes it difficult to
      complete 4 reps.  One set equals: 4 reps, decrease weight,
      immediately do 4 more reps, decrease weight, and 4 more reps.
      Rest between sets.

#4  BB Deadlift                       5-5-5-5
      Burpee Pullup                 10-10-10-10

      #4 is continuous work.  If you don't have a place to do burpee
      pullups (ideally, the bar is about 1 foot above your reach), you
      can do the 5 deadlifts, then 7 burpees and 7 pullups for each set.

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