LEGS 12/25/11
#1 Bodyweight Jump Squat 90 seconds
#2 BB Squat 20 reps
#3 Tire Drag, with 80 lbs in tire 75 meters
#4 BB Deadlift 10 reps
#5 Fireman's Carry plus squats - with a partner across your shoulders,
do three squats. Walk 12.5 meters, do three more squats. Repeat
until you have traveled 50 meters and completed 15 squats.
#6 BB Clean and Jerk 4 reps
#7 Suicide, 50 meter course 1 rep
#8 BB Squat Clean 6 reps
#9 DB Snatch 10 reps per side
#10 BB Squat - 1.5 rep 5 reps. From the starting position, go
down into a full squat, come halfway up, back down to a full squat,
and then come all the way up to the starting position. This equals
one rep.
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