
Saturday, June 8, 2024


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
DB Reverse Fly - 12 reps (light weight)
Seated DB Shoulder Press - 12 reps (light weight)
Air Squat - 12 reps

#1  Seated DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 15 reps
Set 1 - 15 reps at 90% of your top weight for today
Set 2 - 15 reps at top weight
Set 3 - 15 reps back down at 90% 

#2  BB Upright Row - 3 sets x 15 reps
Start with an unweighted BB.  You can stick with the unweighted
BB or add weight for set 2 and 3.  
Recommended grip is shoulder width, but you can adjust
your grip to what is comfortable.
Leading with your elbows, pull as high as your range of motion
allows.  Slow and controlled.

#3  In 8 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
Air Squat                           32 reps
1" Deficit Pushup               24 reps
DB Hammer Curl                16 reps
Medicine Ball Wall Ball      16 reps
Double Under                    32 reps
Pullup                               16 reps

Then rest 2 minutes.
Then in 12 minutes, do as many rounds as you can of:
Air Squat                           48 reps
1" Deficit Pushup               36 reps
DB Hammer Curl                24 reps
Medicine Ball Wall Ball      24 reps
Double Under                    48 reps
Pullup                               24 reps

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