
Saturday, June 22, 2024


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
DB Reverse Fly - 12 reps (light weight)
BB Bench Press - 12 reps at 35% of 1RM
Goblet Squat - 12 reps (light weight)

#1  BB Bench Press - regular tempo - 4 sets x 10 reps
Set 1 - 10 reps at 90% of your top weight for today
Set 2 - 10 reps at top weight for today
Sets 3+4 - 10 reps back down at 90%

Go heavier than your top set of 10 from 6/10/24.
Leave 1 or 2 reps in reserve.

#2  BB Incline Bench Press with a 2 second PAUSE 
at the bottom of each rep
1 set x 10 reps, 1 set x 8 reps, 1 set x 6 reps
Add weight each set.

#3  This is 6 rounds of continuous work.  
Round 1 is A, B, C, D, E and F
Round 2 is A, B, C, D and E
Round 3 is A, B, C and D
Round 4 is A, B and C
Round 5 is A and B
Round 6 is A

A) 24" Box Jump                        10 reps
B) DB Ground to Overhead        10 reps each side
C) Air Squat                               30 reps
D) Regular Pushup                     30 reps
E) BB Row                                  20 reps
F) Medicine Ball Wall Ball          40 reps

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