
Saturday, June 1, 2024


Warmup - With an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
Row - 10 reps
Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
Back Squat - 10 reps

Then do 1 set x 5 reps of BB Tempo PAUSE Back Squat with 35% of 1RM
5 seconds on the way down, 2 second pause in the bottom position, then
regular tempo on the way up

#1  BB Back Squat - regular tempo - 3 sets x 15 reps
Set 1 - 15 reps at 90% of your top weight for today
Set 2 - 15 reps at your top weight
Set 3 - 15 reps back down at 90%

Go heavier than 5/26, but still try to leave 1-2 reps in reserve.
Weight will go up on 6/7.

#2  BB Deadlift - regular tempo
Do as many warmup reps and sets as you like.
Work up to one moderately heavy set of 15 reps.
This should be heavier than 5/26.

#3  This is 6 rounds of continuous work.  
Round 1 is A, B, C, D, E and F
Round 2 is A, B, C, D and E
Round 3 is A, B, C and D
Round 4 is A, B and C
Round 5 is A and B
Round 6 is A

A) American Kettlebell Swing        12 reps
B) BB Curl                                     12 reps
C) Regular Pushup                        25 reps
D) Air Squat                                   35 reps
E) Sledgehammer VS Tire             15 reps
F) DB Thruster                               35 reps

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